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- 2024 -

M. Genovart, R. Ramos, J.M. Igual, A. Sanz-Aguilar, G. Tavecchia, A. Rotger, T. Militão, D. Vicente-Sastre, B. Garcia-Urdangarin, R. Pradel, J. González-Solís, D. Oro (2024). Individual choices of wintering areas drive adult survival heterogeneity in a long-lived seabird. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70675.

G. Izquierdo-Arànega, J. Ferrer-Obiol, R. Ramos, M. Riutort León, J. Rozas Liras, J. González-Solís, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life Management, Samples and Laboratory team, Wellcome Sanger Institute Scientific Operations: Sequencing Operations, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life Core Informatics team, Tree of Life Core Informatics collective, Darwin Tree of Life Consortium (2024). The genome sequence of Cory’s shearwater, Calonectris borealis (Cory, 1881). Wellcome Open Research 9: 678.

R. Ponti, V. Morera-Pujol, Á. Sallent, J González-Solís, R. Ramos (2024). Age-related spatial ecology of Audouin’s gull during the non-breeding season. Endangered Species Research 55: 155-167.

L. Patier, P. Bustamante, K.D. McCoy, G. Guillou, A. Hammouda, C. Leray, G. Fernando Martínez Salcedo, A. Payo-Payo, G. Poiriez, R. Ramos, A. Sanz-Aguilar, S. Selmi, G. Tavecchia, M. Vittecoq, J. Fort (2024). Spatial and seasonal variation of mercury contamination in yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) in the Western Mediterranean. Environmental Pollution 362: 124992.

F.N. Almeida, C. Leray, C. Souc, S. Scotto, S. Selmi, A. Hammouda, R. Ramos, A. ter Halle, K.D. McCoy, M. Vittecoq (2024). Among-colony variation in plastic ingestion by Yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) across the western Mediterranean basin. Marine Pollution Bulletin 116508 14: 3665.

C. Souc, C. Leray, T. Blanchon, T. Dagonet, M. Vittecoq, R. Ramos, K.D. McCoy (2024). No detrimental effects of harness-mounted GPS devices on the breeding performance of Yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis). Ibis 166: 1404–1412.

- 2023 -

B.L. Clark, A.P.B. Carneiro, E.J. Pearmain, M.-M. Rouyer, T.A. Clay, W. Cowger, R.A. Phillips, A. Manica, C. Hazin, M. Eriksen, J. González-Solís, J. Adams, Y.V. Albores-Barajas, J. Alfaro-Shigueto, M. Saldanha Alho, D. Teixeira Araujo, J.M. Arcos, J.P.Y. Arnould, N.J.P. Barbosa, C. Barbraud, A.M. Beard, J. Beck, E.A. Bell, D.G. Bennet, M. Berlincourt, M. Biscoito, O.K. Bjørnstad, M. Bolton, K.A. Booth Jones, J.J. Borg, K. Bourgeois, V. Bretagnolle, J. Bried, J.V. Briskie, M.L. Brooke, K.C. Brownlie, L. Bugoni, L. Calabrese, L. Campioni, M.J. Carey, R.D. Carle, N. Carlile, A.R. Carreiro, P. Catry, T. Catry, J.G. Cecere, F.R. Ceia, Y. Cherel, C.-Y Choi, M. Cianchetti-Benedetti, R.H. Clarke, J.B. Cleeland, V. Colodro, B.C. Congdon, J. Danielsen, F. De Pascalis, Z. Deakin, N. Dehnhard, G. Dell'Omo, K. Delord, S. Descamps, B.J. Dilley, H.A. Dinis, J. Dubos, B.J. Dunphy, L.M. Emmerson, A.I. Fagundes, A.L. Fayet, J.J. Felis, J.H. Fischer, A.N.D. Freeman, A. Fromant, G. Gaibani, D. García, C. Gjerdrum, I.S. Gonçalves Correia Gomes, M.G. Forero, J.P. Granadeiro, W.J. Grecian, D. Grémillet, T. Guilford, G.T. Hallgrimsson, L.R. Halpin, E.S. Hansen, A. Hedd, M. Helberg, H.H. Helgason, L.M. Henry, H.F.R. Hereward, M. Hernandez-Montero, M.A. Hindell, P.J. Hodum, S. Imperio, A. Jaeger, M. Jessopp, P.G.R. Jodice, C.G. Jones, C.W. Jones, J.E. Jónsson, A. Kane, S. Kapelj, Y. Kim, H. Kirk, Y. Kolbeinsson, P.L. Kraemer, L. Krüger, P. Lago, T.J. Landers, J.L. Lavers, M. Le Corre, A. Leal, M. Louzao, J. Madeiros, M. Magalhães, M.L. Mallory, J.F. Masello, B. Massa, S. Matsumoto, F. McDuie, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, F. Medrano, B.J. Metzger, T. Militão, W.A. Montevecchi, R.C. Montone, L. Navarro-Herrero, V.C. Neves, D.G. Nicholls, M.A.C. Nicoll, K. Norris, S. Oppel, D. Oro, E. Owen, O. Padget, V.H. Paiva, D. Pala, J.M. Pereira, C. Péron, M.V. Petry, A. de Pina, A.T. Moreira Pina, P. Pinet, P.A. Pistorius, I.L. Pollet, B.J. Porter, T.A. Poupart, C.D.L. Powell, C.B. Proaño, J. Pujol-Casado, P. Quillfeldt, J.L. Quinn, A.F. Raine, H. Raine, I. Ramírez, J.A. Ramos, R. Ramos, A. Ravache, M.J. Rayner, T.A. Reid, G.J. Robertson, G.J. Rocamora, D.P. Rollinson, R.A. Ronconi, A. Rotger, D. Rubolini, K. Ruhomaun, A. Ruiz, J.C. Russell, P.G. Ryan, S. Saldanha, A. Sanz-Aguilar, M. Sardà-Serra, Y.G. Satgé, K. Sato, W.C. Schäfer, S. Schoombie, S.A. Shaffer, N. Shah, A. Shoji, D. Shutler, I.A. Sigurðsson, M.C. Silva, A.E. Small, C. Soldatini, H. Strøm, C.A. Surman, A. Takahashi, V.R.V. Tatayah, G.A. Taylor, R.J. Thomas, D.R. Thompson, P.M. Thompson, T.L. Thórarinsson, D. Vicente-Sastre, E. Vidal, E.D. Wakefield, S.M. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, H.U. Wittmer, T. Yamamoto, K. Yoda, C.B. Zavalaga, F.J. Zino, M.P. Dias (2023). Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Nature Communications 14: 3665.

V. Morera-Pujol, C. Péron, P. Catry, M. Magalhães, J.M. Reyes-González, J.P. Granadeiro, T. Militão, M.P. Dias, D. Oro, G. Dell’Omo, M. Muller, V.H. Paiva, B. Metzger, V. Neves, J. Navarro, G. Karris, S. Xirouchakis, A. Zamora-López, M.G. Forero, F. De Felipe, Z. Zajková, M. Cruz-Flores, D. Grémillet, J. González-Solís, R. Ramos (2023). Methods to detect spatial biases in tracking studies caused by differential representativeness of individuals, populations, and time. Diversity and Distributions 29: 19-38.

- 2022 -

M. Cruz-Flores, R. Pradel, J. Briel, T. Militão, V.C. Neves, J. González-Solís, R. Ramos (2022). Will climate change affect the survival of tropical and subtropical species? Predictions based on Bulwer’s petrel populations in the NE Atlantic Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 157352.

T. Militão, A. Rotger, A. Sanz-Aguilar, R. Ramos (2022). Non-breeding distribution and at-sea activity patterns of the smallest European seabird, the European Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus). Ibis 164: 1160-1179.

- 2021 -

J. Ouled-Cheikh, V. Morera-Pujol, F. Ramírez, A. Bahillo, M. Cerdà-Cuéllar, R. Ramos (2021). Foraging in the Anthropocene: Feeding plasticity of an opportunistic predator revealed by long term monitoring. Ecological Indicators 129: 107943.

T.E. Davies, A.P.B. Carneiro, M. Tarzia, E. Wakefield, J. Hennicke, M. Frederiksen, E.S. Hansen, B. Campos, C. Hazin, B. Lascelles, T. Anker-Nilssen, H. Arnardóttir, M. Biscoito, L. Bollache, T. Boulinier, P. Catry, F.R. Ceia, O. Chastel, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, M. Cruz-Flores, J. Danielsen, F. Daunt, E. Dunn, C. Egevang, A.I. Fagundes, A.L. Fayet, J. Fort, R.W. Furness, O. Gilg, J. González-Solís, J.P. Granadeiro, D. Grémillet, T. Guilford, S.A. Hanssen, M.P. Harris, A. Hedd, N. Per Huffeldt, M. Jessopp, Y. Kolbeinsson, J. Krietsch, J. Lang, J.F. Linnebjerg, S.-H. Lorentsen, J. Madeiros, E. Magnusdottir, M.L. Mallory, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, F.R. Merkel, T. Militão, B. Moe, W.A. Montevecchi, V. Morera-Pujol, A. Mosbech, V. Neves, M.A. Newell, B. Olsen, V.H. Paiva, H.-U. Peter, A. Petersen, R.A. Phillips, I. Ramírez, J.A. Ramos, R. Ramos, R.A. Ronconi, P.G. Ryan, N.M. Schmidt, I.A. Sigurðsson, B. Sittler, H. Steen, I.J. Stenhouse, H. Strøm, P. Thompson, T.L. Thórarinsson, R.S.A. van Bemmelen, S. Wanless, F. Zino, M.P. Dias (2021). Multi-species tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters in press.

M. Cruz-Flores, R. Pradel, J. Bried, J. González-Solís, R. Ramos (2021). Sex-specific costs of reproduction on survival in a long-lived seabird. Biology Letters 17 20200804. https://doi/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0804

J.G. Calado, S.N. Veríssimo, V.H. Paiva, R. Ramos, P.T. Vaz, D. Matos, J. Pereira, C. Lopes, N. Oliveira, A. Quaresma, F.R. Ceia, A. Velando, J.A. Ramos (2021). Influence of fisheries on the spatio-temporal feeding ecology of gulls along the western Iberian coast. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 661 187-201.

M. Beal, M.P. Dias, R.A. Phillips, S. Oppel, C. Hazin, E.J. Pearmain, J. Adams, D.J. Anderson, M. Antolos, J.A. Arata, J.M. Arcos, J.P.Y. Arnould, J. Awkerman, E. Bell, M. Bell, M. Carey, R. Carle, T.A. Clay, J. Cleeland, V. Colodro, M. Conners, M. Cruz-Flores, R. Cuthbert, K. Delord, L. Deppe, B.J. Dilley, H. Dinis, G. Elliott, F. De Felipe, J. Felis, M.G. Forero, A. Freeman, A. Fukuda, J. González-Solís, J.P. Granadeiro, A. Hedd, P. Hodum, J.M. Igual, A. Jaeger, T.J. Landers, M. Le Corre, A. Makhado, B. Metzger, T. Militão, W.A. Montevecchi, V. Morera-Pujol, L. Navarro-Herrero, D. Nel, D. Nicholls, D. Oro, R. Ouni, K. Ozaki, F. Quintana, R. Ramos, T. Reid, J.M. Reyes-González, C. Robertson, G. Robertson, M.S. Romdhane, P.G. Ryan, P. Sagar, F. Sato, S. Schoombie, R.P. Scofield, S.A. Shaffer, N.J. Shah, K.L. Stevens, C. Surman, R.M. Suryan, A. Takahashi, V. Tatayah, G. Taylor, D.R. Thompson, L. Torres, K. Walker, R. Wanless, S.M. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, T. Yamamoto, Z. Zajkova, L. Zango, P. Catry (2021). Global political responsibility for the conservation of albatrosses and large petrels. Science Advances 7(10) eabd7225.

J.M. Reyes-González*, F. De Felipe*, V. Morera-Pujol, L. Navarro-Herrero, L. Zango, R. Ramos, J. González-Solís (2021). Sexual segregation in the foraging behaviour of a slightly dimorphic seabird: influence of the environmental conditions and fishery activities. Journal of Animal Ecology 90(5): 1109-1121.

R. Ramos, V.H. Paiva, Z. Zajková, C. Precheur, A. Fagundes, P.G.R. Jodice, W. Mackin, F. Zino, V. Bretagnolle, J. González-Solís (2021). Spatial ecology of closely related taxa: the case of the little shearwater complex in the North Atlantic Ocean. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 191(2): 482-502.

- 2020 -

R. Ramos, J.M. Reyes-González, T. Militão, Z. Zajková, V. Morera-Pujol, J. González-Solís (2020). Disentangling extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the isotopic ecology of the individuals: a 17-year longitudinal study of a long-lived seabird exploiting the Canary Current. Ecological Indicators 111: 105963.

- 2019 -

R. Ramos, V. Morera-Pujol, M. Cruz-Flores, S. López-Souto, M. Brothers, J. González-Solís (2019). A geolocator-tagged fledgling provides first evidence on juvenile movements of Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris borealis. Bird Study 66(2): 283-288.

R. Ramos (2019). Crossing the Pillars of Hercules: understanding transoceanic migrations of seabirds throughout their breeding range. Ecology and Evolution 9: 4760-4771.

M. Pastor-Prieto, R. Ramos, Z. Zajková, J.M. Reyes-González, M.L. Rivas, P.G. Ryan, J. González-Solís (2019). Spatial ecology, phenological variability and moulting patterns of the endangered Atlantic petrel Pterodroma incerta. Endangered Species Research 40: 189-206.

L. Zango, J.M. Reyes-González, T. Militão, Z. Zajková, E. Álvarez-Alonso, R. Ramos, J. González-Solís (2019). Year-round individual specialization in the feeding ecology of a long-lived seabird. Scientific Reports 9: 11812.

F. De-Felipe, T. Militão, J.M. Reyes-González, R. Ramos, J. González-Solís (2019). Does sexual segregation in spatial and feeding ecology occur during the non-breeding period? A comparative analysis of three Calonectris shearwaters. Ecology and Evolution 9: 10145-10162.


A. Rodríguez, J.M. Arcos, V. Bretagnolle, M. Dias, N. Holmes, M. Louzao, J. Provencher, A. Raine, F. Ramírez, B. Rodríguez, R.A. Ronconi, R.S. Taylor, E. Bonneaud, S. Borrelle, V. Cortés, S. Descamps, V.L. Friesen, M. Genovart, A. Hedd, P. Hodum, G. Humphries, M. Le Corre, C. Lebarbenchon, R. Martin, E.F. Melvin, W.A. Montevecchi, P. Pinet, I. Pollet, R. Ramos, J. Russell, P.G. Ryan, A. Sanz-Aguilar, D. Spatz, M. Travers, S.C. Votier, R. Wanless, E. Woehler, A. Chiaradia (2019). Future directions in conservation research on petrels and shearwaters. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 94.

R.S.A. van Bemmelen, Y. Kolbeinsson, R. Ramos, O. Gilg, M. Smith, J.A. Alves, H. Schekkerman, A. Lehikoinen, I.K. Petersen, B. Þórisson, A.A. Sokolov, K. Välimäki, T. van der Meer, J.D. Okill, M. Bolton, B. Moe, S.A. Hanssen, L. Bollache, A. Petersen, S. Thorstensen, J. González-Solís, R.H.G. Klaassen, I. Tulp (2019). A migratory divide among Red-necked Phalaropes in the Western Palearctic – contrasting migration and wintering movement strategies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 86.

A. Gamble, R. Ramos, Y. Parra-Torres, A. Mercier, L. Galal, J. Pearce-Duvet, I. Villena, T. Montalvo, J. González-Solís, A. Hammouda, D. Oro, S. Selmi, T. Boulinier (2019). Exposure of yellow-legged gulls to Toxoplasma gondii along the Western Mediterranean coasts: Tales from a sentinel. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 8: 221-228.

- 2018 -

R. Ramos, V. Llabrés, L. Moncús, M. López-Béjar, J. González-Solís (2018). Costs of breeding are rapidly buffered and do not affect migratory behaviour in a long-lived bird species. Ecology 99(9) 2010-2024.


V. Morera-Pujol, R. Ramos, N. Pérez-Méndez, M. Cerdà-Cuéllar, J. González-Solís (2018). Multi-isotopic assessments of spatio-temporal variability of diet: the case of two sympatric gulls in the Western Mediterranean. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 606: 201-204.

M. Cruz-Flores, T. Militão, R. Ramos, J.González-Solís (2018). Using marine isoscapes to infer movements of oceanic migrants: the case of Bulwer’s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii) in the Atlantic Ocean. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198667.


K. Keogan, F. Daunt, S. Wanless, R.A. Phillips, C. Walling, P. Agnew, D. Ainley, T. Anker-Nilssen, G. Ballard, R. Barrett, K. Barton, C. Bech, P.H. Becker, P.-A. Berglund, T. Birkhead, L. Bollache, A. Bond, S. Bouwhuis, R. Bradley, Z. Burr, C. Camphuysen, P. Catry, A. Chiaradia, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, R. Cuthbert, N. Dehnhard, S. Descamps, A. Diamond, G. Divoky, H. Drummond, K. Dugger, M. Dunn, L. Emmerson, K.E. Erikstad, J. Fort, W. Fraser, A. Gaston, M. Genovart, O. Gilg, J.P. Granadiero, D. Gremillet, J. Hansen, S. Hanssen, M. Harris, A. Hedd, J. Hinke, J.M. Igual, J. Jahncke, I. Jones, P. Kappes, J. Lang, M. Langset, A. Lescroël, S.-H. Lorentsen, P. Lyver, M. Mallory, B. Moe, W. Montevecchi, D. Monticelli, J. González-Solís, C. Mostello, M. Newell, L. Nicholson, I. Nisbet, O. Olsson, D. Oro, V. Pattison, M. Poisbleau, T. Pyk, F. Quintana, J. Ramos, R. Ramos, T. Reiertsen, C. Rodríguez, P. Ryan, A. Sanz-Aguilar, N. Schmidt, P. Shannon, B. Sittler, C. Southwell, C. Surman, W. Svagelj, W. Trivelpiece, P. Warzybok, Y. Watanuki, H. Weimerskirch, P. Wilson, A. Wood, A. Phillimore, S. Lewis (2018). Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds. Nature Climate Change 8: 313–318.

J. Escoruela, E. Garreta, R. Ramos, J. González-Solís, S. Lacorte (2018). Occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances in Calonectris shearwaters breeding along the Mediterranean and Atlantic colonies. Science of the Total Environment 131: 335–340.


- 2017 -

R. Ramos, N. Carlile, J. Madeiros, I. Ramírez, V. H. Paiva, H. Dinis, F. Zino, M. Biscoito, G. Leal, L. Bugoni, P. Jodice, P. G. Ryan, J. González-Solís (2017). It is the time for oceanic seabirds: tracking year-round distribution of gadfly petrels across the Atlantic Ocean. Diversity and Distributions 23(7): 794–805.

R. Garnier, R. Ramos, A. Sanz-Aguilar, M. Poisbleau, H. Weimerskirch, S. Burthe, J. Tornos, T. Boulinier (2017). Interpreting ELISA analyses from wild animal samples: some recurrent issues and solutions. Functional Ecology 31: 2255-2262.

L. Migura-Garcia, R. Ramos, M. Cerdà-Cuéllar (2017). Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella serovars and Campylobacter spp. isolated from an opportunistic gull species, Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 53(1): 148–152.

- 2016 -

R. Ramos, S. Gang, J. Navarro, Z. Ruiying, C. T. Symes, M. G. Forero, F. Lei (2016). Population genetic structure and long-distance dispersal of a recently expanding migratory bird. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99: 194–203.


R. Ramos, I. Ramírez, V.H. Paiva, T. Militão, M. Biscoito, D. Menezes, R.A. Phillips, F. Zino, J. González-Solís (2016). Global spatial ecology of three closely-related gadfly petrels. Scientific Reports 6: 23447.


M. Gabirot, L. Raux, G. Dell’Ariccia, J. Bried, R. Ramos, J. González-Solís, B. Buatois, P.A. Crochet, F. Bonadonna (2016). Chemical labels differ between two closely related shearwater taxa. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 540–551.

- 2015 -

R. Ramos, V. Sanz, T. Militão, J. Bried, V.C. Neves, M. Biscoito, R.A. Phillips, F. Zino, J. González-Solís (2015). Leapfrog migration and habitat preferences of a small oceanic seabird, Bulwer’s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii). Journal of Biogeography 42(9): 1651–1664.

- 2014 -

R. Ramos, R. Garnier, J. González-Solís, T. Boulinier (2014). Long antibody persistence and transgenerational immunoresponse in a long-lived vertebrate with potential implications for conservation of Procellariiform seabirds. The American Naturalist 184(6): 764–776.


A. Arnal, E. Gómez-Díaz, M. Cerdà Cuéllar, S. Lecollinet, J. Pearce-Duvet, N. Busquets, I. García-Bocanegra, N. Pagès Martinez, M. Vittecoq, A. Hammouda, B. Samraoui, R. Garnier, R. Ramos, S. Selmi, J. González-Solís, M. Gauthier-Clerc, E. Jourdain, T. Boulinier (2014). Circulation of a meaban-like virus in yellow-legged gulls and seabird ticks in the Western Mediterranean basin. PLoS ONE 9 (3): e89601.

- 2013 -

R. Ramos, D. Grémillet (2013). Overfishing in the West Africa by EU vessels. Nature 496: 300.


R. Ramos, J.P. Granadeiro, B. Rodríguez, J. Navarro, V.H. Paiva, J. Bécares, J.M. Reyes-González, I. Fagundes, A. Ruiz, P. Arcos, J. González-Solís, P. Catry (2013). Meta-population feeding grounds of Cory’s shearwater in the subtropical Atlantic Ocean: implications for the definition of Marine Protected Areas based on tracking studies. Diversity and Distributions 19: 1284–1298.

- 2012 -

R. Ramos, F. Ramírez, L. Jover (2012). Trophodynamics of inorganic pollutants in a wide-range feeder: the relevance of dietary inputs and biomagnification in the Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis). Environmental Pollution 172: 235–242.


R. Ramos, J. P. Granadeiro, M. Nevoux, J.-L. Mougin, M. A. Dias, P. Catry (2012). Combined spatio-temporal impacts of climate and longline fisheries on the survival of a trans-equatorial marine migrant. PLoS ONE 7: e40822.


R. Ramos, J. González-Solís (2012). Trace me if you can: the usage of intrinsic biogeochemical markers in marine top predators. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 258–266.


R. Zhang, G. Song, Y. Qu, P. Alström, R. Ramos, X. Xing, P. G. P. Ericson, J. Fjeldså, H. Wang, X. Yang, A. Kristin, A. M. Shestopalov, J. Chun Choe, L. Fumin (2012). Comparative phylogeography of two widespread magpies: Importance of habitat preference and breeding behavior on genetic structure in China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 65(2): 562–572.


- 2011 -

R. Ramos, F. Ramírez, J.L. Carrasco, L. Jover (2011). Insights into the spatiotemporal component of feeding ecology: an isotopic approach for conservation management sciences. Diversity and Distributions 17: 338–349.


R. Garnier, R. Ramos, V. Staszewski, T. Militão, E. Lobato, J. González-Solís, T. Boulinier (2011). Maternal antibody persistence: a neglected life-history trait with implications from albatross conservation to comparative immunology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279: 2033–2041.


F. Ramírez, R. Ramos, J.L. Carrasco, L. Jover, X. Ruiz (2011). Intra-clutch pattern of albumen d13C and d15N in yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis: female dietary shift or resource allocation strategy? Journal of Avian Biology 42: 239–246.


- 2010 -

R. Ramos, M. Cerdà-Cuéllar, F. Ramírez, L. Jover, X. Ruiz (2010). Influence of refuse sites on the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella serovars in seagulls. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76(9): 3052–3056.


- 2009 -

R. Ramos, J. González-Solís, J.P. Croxall, D. Oro, X. Ruiz (2009). Understanding oceanic migrations with intrinsic biogeochemical markers. PLoS ONE 4: e6236.


R. Ramos, J. González-Solís, X. Ruiz (2009). Linking isotopic and migratory patterns in a pelagic seabird. Oecologia 160: 97–105.


R. Ramos, J. González-Solís, M. Forero, R. Moreno, E. Gómez-Díaz, X. Ruiz, K. Hobson (2009). The influence of breeding colony and sex on mercury, selenium and lead levels and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures in summer and winter feathers of Calonectris shearwaters. Oecologia 159: 345–354.


R. Ramos, F. Ramírez, C. Sanpera, L. Jover, X. Ruiz (2009). Feeding ecology of yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis in the western Mediterranean: a comparative assessment using conventional and isotopic methods. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 377: 289–297.


R. Ramos, F. Ramírez, C. Sanpera, L. Jover, X. Ruiz (2009). Diet of Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) chicks along the Spanish Western Mediterranean coast: the relevance of refuse dumps. Journal of Ornithology 150: 265–272.


R. Ramos, T. Militão, J. González-Solís, X. Ruiz (2009). Moulting strategies of a long distance migratory seabird: The Mediterranean Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea. Ibis 151: 151–159.



E. Ortega Gonzàlez, A. Jordan Gómez, C.A Sicilia Cebrián, A. Kaliontzopoulou, R. Ramos (2024). Impacte de la depredació de les colònies de gats sobre la sargantana iberoprovençal Podarcis liolepis (Boulenger, 1905). Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Herpetologia 31: 114-136.


T. Militão, A. Rotger, A. Sanz-Aguilar, R. Ramos (2022). Los paíños del Mediterráneo occidental invernan en el Atlántico. Quercus 439: 53-54.


R. Ramos, J. Ouled-Cheikh (2021). Els gavians reduiran la dieta d’abocador i es faran més urbans. El Temps 1946: 39-41.


V. Morera-Pujol, R. Castillo-Contreras, D. Vicente-Sastre, Á. Sallent, R. Ramos, J. González-Solís (2021). Claves para conservar las aves costeras en el Levante español. Quercus 421: 38-39.


M. Cruz-Flores R. Ramos, M. Sardá-Serra, S. López-Souto, T. Militão, J. González-Solís (2019). Migración y ecología espacial de la población española de petrel de Bulwer. Monografía nº 4 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife, Spain.


R. Ramos, J.M. Reyes-González, L. Navarro-Herrero, S. García-Barcelona, Á. Sallent Sánchez, J. González-Solís Bou (2018). ¿Sabemos cómo interactúan las aves marinas y las pesquerías? Primeras conclusiones de un estudio de las zonas de alimentación de la pardela cenicienta. Quercus 393: 58-59.


R. Ramos, V. Llabrés, L. Moncús, M. López-Béjar, J. González-Solís (2018). Costs of breeding are rapidly buffered and do not affect migratory behaviour in a long-lived bird species. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 99(4):e01433.


J.M. Reyes-González, Z. Zajková, V. Morera Pujol, F. de Felipe, T. Militão, G. Dell’Ariccia, R. Ramos, J.M. Igual, J.M. Arcos & Jacob González-Solís (2017) Ecología espacial y comportamiento en el mar de las poblaciones españolas de Pardela Cenicienta. SEO/BirdLife & Fundación Iberdrola, Spain.


R. Ramos, J. Navarro (2016). Evidencias filogenéticas sobre un evento reciente de dispersión en abejarucos. Quercus 369: 42-45.


R. Ramos (2016) Los petreles del género Pterodroma en la Macaronesia: nuevos datos sobre su ecología migratoria. Makaronesia 18: 182-197.


R. Ramos, J. González-Solís (2011). ‘Dame una pluma y te diré de dónde vienes’: el uso de marcadores biogeoquímicos intrínsecos en estudios de migración. Revista de Anillamiento (Sociedad Española de Ornitología) 27: 37-45.



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